Open Positions
We are looking for highly-qualified and motivated candidates with a background in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering interested in pursuing research in one or more of the following areas:
- Operating Systems Design and Implementation
- Network Architecture and Wide-Area Distributed Systems
- Cloud Computing & Data-centers
- Database, Data Processing and Machine Learning
- Data Management on Modern Hardware
- Systems for Machine Learning
The principal language of the group is English (fluent written and spoken English skills are required).
ETH Zürich is one of the leading technical universities in the World, and Computer Science at ETH is consistently ranked among the top departments worldwide. We offer very competitive salaries at all levels with contribution to pension plans, accident insurance and a range of further benefits. In addition to that, young scientists have plenty of opportunities for internships in industry as well as plenty of opportunities to work together with some of the leading researchers in the field.
PhD Students
We invite qualified candidates to follow the Department of Computer Science instructions which will lead you to the online application tool. The applications are reviewed regularly by all interested faculty members in the relevant research areas.
Candidates are typically expected to have a master’s degree or equivalent from a reputed institution. For exceptional candidates with only bachelor’s degrees, the department runs a small Direct Doctorate program.
Post Doctoral and Senior Researchers
Qualified candidates should e-mail an application with the following attachments (as PDF or text attachments, not zipped) to , using the subject line: "Application ETH":
- CV, including detailed educational and work experience, and any information relevant to the position;
- Publication list;
- Teaching record (if any);
- Short research mission statement;
- Copies of two significant research papers;
- At least three letters of reference (Please ask your referees to email their letters directly to ).