Lazar Cvetkovic
Lazar Cvetkovic
Student / Programme Doctorate at D-INFK
Additional information
Research area
Cloud computing, serverless computing, computer systems
I am a doctoral student in the Systems Group at ETH Zurich advised by Prof. Ana Klimovic and co-advised by Prof. Timothy Roscoe. My research focuses on how to make infrastructure for serverless computing more efficient in terms of low infrastructure overhead, better resource utilization, and optimizing cost. So far, I have worked on characterizing today's serverless frameworks and investigated their performance in bursty and high sandbox churn environments. I have also looked into scheduling policies for serverless across autoscaling, load balancing, and placement dimensions. Finally, I have designed Dirigent, a new cluster manager catered for serverless workloads that aims to solve performance bottlenecks in today's serverless platforms, which we published at SOSP'24. Besides research, I teach Systems Programming and Computer Architecture (2nd-year bachelor course) and Cloud Computing Architecture (master's course) at ETH Zurich.
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