Tom Kuchler

Tom Kuchler
Student / Programme Doctorate at D-INFK
Additional information
Research area
Cloud Computing, Serverless Computing, Operating Systems, Computer Architecture
As Doctoral Student I work with Ana Klimovic on the topic of serverless computing / Function as a Service (FaaS).
My main area of research is building systems for serverless that are more efficient in their use of hardware resources and energy and while minimizing system latencies.
While investigating current FaaS platforms, we found sigificant discrepancies between the efficiency of the current solutions and what we think is possible to achieve.
To investigate how we can use modern hardware to achieve higher performance while maintaining the required security boundries, I'm looking into how serverless functions should interface with the underlying infrastructure and how we can build systems to make the best use of such programming models.
Before I started my work with the Systems Group in the summer 2021, I did my bachelor and master in Electrical Engieneering and Information Technologies at ETH Zürich.
During my studies I mainly focused on embedded and high perfromance computing as well as computer architecture, which are topics I still take interest in.
I also did internships at Super Computing Systems working on High Performance Systems and with Microsoft Research working on the memory management of cheriBSD.