Paper "Evaluating query languages and systems for high-energy physics data" published in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) volume 2438 as part of the proceedings of ACAT 2021

The paper "Evaluating query languages and systems for high-energy physics data" by Dan Graur, Ingo Müller, Mason Proffitt, Ghislain Fourny, Gordon T. Watts and Gustavo Alonso (ETH authors in bold; other authors are from both CERN and the University of Washington) has been published in the external page Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) volume 2438 as part of the proceedings of external page ACAT 2021. external page Here is a link to the paper.

This is a shortened version of a full external page VLDB paper, aimed at the Physics community. In this paper we try to bring awareness on their side to how database systems can aid their use-cases, but also how there is still work for us to do to better support their needs.

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