Paper: “Sharding the State Machine: Automated Modular Reasoning for Complex Concurrent Systems” accepted at OSDI 2023

The paper:

Sharding the State Machine: Automated Modular Reasoning for Complex Concurrent Systems” by Travis Hance (Carnegie Mellon University), Yi Zhou (Carnegie Mellon University), Andrea Lattuada (ETH Zurich), Reto Achermann (University of British Columbia), Alex Conway (Vmware Research), Ryan Stutsman (University of Utah), Gerd Zellweger (VMware Research), Chris Hawblitzel (Microsoft Research), Jon Howell (VMware Research), and Bryan Parno (Carnegie Mellon University)

has been accepted for presentation at 17th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (external pageOSDI 2023), July 10–12, 2023 in Boston, MA, USA.

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