Information Systems for Engineers

This course provides the basics of information systems from the perspective of the user. The main focus is on relational databases, including tabular data, the relational algebra, the SQL query language, schema design, normal forms, physical architecture, indices. The course also covers support for data cubes on top of relational databases.



Ghislain Fourny

and his amazing Teaching Assistants:

Marko Kabic (Head TA)

Amir Joudaki (TA)

Bowen Wu (TA)

Panagiotis Misiakos (TA)

Vasileios Mageirakos (TA)

Xiaozhe Yao (TA)

Yu Zhu (TA)

Alexandre Iskandar (Student TA)

Xiaocheng Yang (Student TA)


Course Material

Lecture slides and exercises are made availabe on Moodle and the lecture recordings will be availabe on external pageYouTube after each lecture.

The lecture slides below are made available to the public and may not reflect the latest changes. Only the version of the slides on Moodle is the official exam material.

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