Big Data for Engineers


Welcome to the Big Data for Engineers course!

This course is part of the series of database lectures offered to all ETH departments, together with Information Systems for Engineers. It introduces the most recent advances in the database field: how do we scale storage and querying to Petabytes of data, with trillions of records? How do we deal with heterogeneous data sets? How do we deal with alternate data shapes like trees and graphs?

All the material will be published and available on Moodle page.


Tuesday 10-12am, Zoom link is available Moodle page.

Exercise sessions

  • Group 1: Wednesday 2-4pm, TA: Pierre Motard ();
  • Group 2: Wednesday 4-6pm, TA: Jorge Toro ();
  • Group 3: Wednesday 4-6pm, TA: Monica Chiosa ();
  • Group 4: Wednesday 4-6pm, TA: Zirun Wang ();
  • Group 5: Friday 4-6pm, TA: Anastasiia Ruzhanskaia ();
  • Group 6: Friday 4-6pm, TA: Amir Joudaki ();
  • Group 7: Friday 4-6pm, TA: Laure Ciernik ().

  Zoom links are available on Moodle page.


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